

Naval Defence Militia
Naval Defence Alliance
Name Naval Defence Militia
Ticker NLDM
Alliance Naval Defence Alliance
Faction -
Ceo Lambda Thyl
Members 6
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98759989

Members [6]


Naval Defence Militia. Join our public channel: Navy-Pub or join our Discord!

Who We Are
We part of the Naval Defence Alliance a fun and low-key PVP and money-making community. Our aim is to provide nullsec system patrols for the alliance, lowsec PvP and helping the alliance to acquire LP from FW.

We operate from European timezone and speak primarily English.

Alliance Leadership
- Commanding Officer: William Karant
- Executive Officer: Michael A Molnar
- Chief of Operations: Vorengard

Recruiting New Pilots
If you are a new or older player looking for a tight community, message us anytime. We are recruiting new players: Calling all Pilots. Join our public channel: Navy-Pub or join our Discord today!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-21 07:35:34
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